We develop socio-technical and data-driven solutions to sustainability challenges facing the urban built environment
Latest Lab News
*New Paper* in Energy & Buildings
Our paper "EnergyPlus as a computational engine for commercial building operational digital twins" was published in Energy & Buildings. This work was in collaboration with Dr. Aqsa Naeem, Dr. Jacques de Chalendar, Prof. Sally Benson and Erik Kolderup. Congrats to Eleanor who led this work from UIL! (Note the above link is valid until March 4, 2025 for free access. Please use the link from the publications page after this date.)
*New Paper* in Energy & Buildings
Our paper "Multi-scale retrofit pathways for improving building performance and energy equity across cities: A UBEM framework" was published in Energy & Buildings. Congrats to Lauren who led this work! (Note the above link is valid until December 12, 2024 for free access. Please use the link from the publications page after this date.)
*New Paper* in the Journal of Building Engineering
Our paper "Predicting Indoor Personalized Heat Stress Using Wearable Sensors and Data-Driven Models" was published in the Journal of Building Engineering. This work was in collaboration with Prof. So-Min Cheong from the Bush School of Government & Public Service at Texas A&M University. Congrats to Kopal who led this work! (Note the above link is valid until November 13, 2024 for free access. Please use the link from the publications page after this date.)
City sketch by Andrew Sonta