All Lab News
October 20, 2016
UIL's work featured in Stanford Engineering News
UIL participated in the Digital Cities Summit at Stanford and our work was featured in a Stanford Engineering News article. Check it out!
October 18, 2016
Rishee Jain named a Terman Faculty Fellow
UIL Director Rishee Jain was named a Terman Faculty Fellow by the Stanford School of Engineering. This fellowship will support UIL's research and educational efforts.
October 01, 2016
UIL awarded Precourt Institute for Energy Seed grant!
UIL with collaborators Dian Grueneich (PECC) and Mark Hartney (SLAC) was awarded a Precourt Institute for Energy Seed grant to develop an open-source analytics platform for benchmarking buildings. Support greatly appreciated!
September 28, 2016
UIL awarded NSF EAGER grant!
UIL was awarded an NSF EAGER grant to study the coupled dynamics of urban systems using data science and micro-experimentation. Support greatly appreciated!
City sketch by Andrew Sonta